Wholly Following God Series Part 1: Give Me My Mountain 090620
Subject: Caleb was one of two men age 20 and older out of 2 million that got to go into the Promised Land. Others could not enter because they did not wholly follow God.
Caleb’s name means faithful, wholehearted, devotion, brave, bold.
Caleb and Joshua were the only men over age 20 to enter the Promised Land.
Numbers Chapter 13:1-21
Numbers Chapter 13:27-33
Numbers Chapter 14:1-12
Numbers Chapter 14:19-24
Numbers Chapter 32:10-12
Joshua 14:1-15
Joshua 15:13-19
Definition: Wholly means fullness, completely, entirely, total, to the full, complete degree, the entire extent, the fullest extent.
Synonyms: Completely, 100 percent, utterly, to the exclusion of everything else, perfectly, clearly, all, or absolute.