Youth & Teen Ministry
“A Ministry Where Children See Love In Action”
GHFC Articles of Faith
The Glory House Fellowship Church is a non-denominational fellowship of believers who seek to follow Christ and be identified by His name only. (John 5:24) The Glory House Fellowship Church’s sole basis of belief is the bible, which we accept as God inspired, without error and the final authority on all matters it addresses. (John 1:1-2, 14;2) We believe there is one God eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19) The Glory House Fellowship Church believes everybody is important to God and that true meaning and happiness in life is found only through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. (John 4:13-15; (Ephesians 3:20) We believe that all have sinned, and that through Jesus Christ we receive forgiveness, salvation and eternal life. (John 3:16-18) We believe in divine healing and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. (Isaiah 53:4-5) – (Matthew 8:17) The Glory House Fellowship Church believes heaven and hell are realities, and that only those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will enter heaven. (Matthew 13:45-50)
Children’s Core Values:
Glory House Fellowship Youth & Teen Ministry is equipped to educate and empower the next generation with the building blocks necessary for their future.
GHFC is intentional about preparing children to be great lifelong learners for the kingdom of God.
GHFC emphasis in learning is focused on five main arenas: social, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
These important aspects of a child’s development are met in a structured and safe environment highlighted by teachers who sincerely love children and love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
GHFC believes in having activities that motivate and excite children, keeping them interested in the church by promoting fun and living in the promises and the abundance of God.
GHFC creates an environment where children are loved unconditionally, valued immeasurably, and accepted wholeheartedly.
GHFC has a learning environment that is refreshing and exciting! children will discover that God’s Word is relevant to their lives and can be applied to how they live every day.
Children’s Mission:
To provide children with a safe, fun, and exciting learning environment that will empower them to obeying the Word God so they can enjoy living a saved and abundant life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Children’s Goals:
- To provide the opportunity for every child to be born again. (John 3:16 )
- To have God’s Word taught in every class from birth until adult hood. (Jeremiah 29:13)
- To develop outreach opportunities, both in the church and the community, where the children can use their gifts and talents. (Mark 16:15)
- To develop leaders who can effectively teach the children through diverse means such as creative storytelling, music, drama, performing arts and puppetry. (Ephesians 4:12)
Services Offered To Children:
† A environment where children build strong character traits through prayer and biblical teaching.
† A safe environment with teachers who love children and care about their relationship with Christ.
† A environment that promotes spiritual growth and unity among other children.
† A environment where children can operate in their spiritual gifts and their God given talents; (singing, dancing, and performing arts, etc).
† A environment where there is evangelistic activities, inviting un-churched friends to participate is encouraged.
† A environment where children can fellowship and have fun activities at church and away from church.
† A environment where children participate in fundraisers, human and economical development.
† A environment where resources are available to parents who have concerns about their child’s learning, spiritual, physical and/or social development.
† A environment where parenting classes and counseling is offered at a very low cost.